The move from incineration to pyrolysis is evidential at waste thermal treatment, since the pyrolysis is capable to reduce the accumulated amount of waste from the process as to get valuable products. Besides, pyrolysis technology has generally much less environmental footprint than incineration one. The only disadvantage is that the range of waste that possibly cost-effective for pyrolysis process is limited.
All these aspects about pyrolysis technology (Thermal Decomposition Plants) as a solution for the disposal of waste were raised at workshop in February this year in St. Petersburg, Russia. Thermal Decomposition Plant was demonstrated in operation to get acquainted the visitors with the principles and technological features of pyrolysis equipment on the first day of the training workshop. The equipment is designed for the processing of hydrocarbon-based materials: from waste feeding to discharging of the final products. Drilling fluids and oily sludge were used as feedstock, the conditioning products such as pyrolysis oil and dry residue (biochar) can be obtained from which.
In June 2015 the magazine Ecology of Production published an article with a list of questions and decisions discussed at a workshop on pyrolysis technology and equipment operation. We believe that might be interested for professionals in oil and gas industry.
The article Pyrolysis: ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES was published in the magazine Ecology of Production, # 6, 2015.
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