Useful information

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – “food” for the TDP-2 Unit or how the mobile solution of ST CJSC will meet the challenge of plastic pollution of the World Ocean!
The world ocean is a cradle of the humankind. The life and everything included in this concept was born in it. The area of these “amniotic waters” is 361.1 km², i.e. 70% of the Earth’s surface, and its volume is …

Drilling waste treatment at production sites: pitless drilling – on guard of environment!
[…] Drilling waste utilization creates significant challenges for the industry due to the diversity of drilling sludge composition. The amount of drilling cuttings from one well is conditionally taken as 120% of the total well volume (not considering the volume …

Disposal and Recycling of Sewage Sludge: Drying and Pyrolysis at TDP-2
Today almost a third of the world’s population is experiencing a shortage of such a vital resource as water. Sustainable water management, including efficient water treatment technologies, is an urgent need. However, according to modern technologies, wastewater treatment plants, returning …

Electronic waste processing on thermal decomposition technology
The hero of the action movie, throwing out a mobile phone after each conversation, should not think about what happens to the gadget according to the scenario. Meanwhile, it is not alone: around 160 million mobile phones are thrown out …

Waste to energy: nothing but the facts.
[…] Engineering solutions of power generation from waste are available today. Industrial Complex of continuous pyrolysis Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2) coupled with energy generation system is one of such solutions. The Complex passed its pilot testing at the production site …

Acid Tar Neutralization: Challenges and Solutions (VIDEO!)
Acid tars are toxic liquid or semi-liquid residues of mixed chemical composition: unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid, water and some other components. This sludge arises from the refining of oils by the concentrated sulfuric acids. The waste materials were mostly stored …

All about tyre recycling
Modern civilization is not able to exist without rubber goods, and only used rubber, in particular tyres, we seem to be iniquity. Meanwhile, rubber products can also be very useful to humanity as a source of energy. The tire laid …

Pyrolysis of tyres. Five facts about rubber processing
Pyrolysis, thermal degradation, is the rubber and used tyres treatment technology based on thermal destruction of raw materials under the high temperatures and lack of oxygen into the products with the smaller molecular mass: liquid pyrolysis oil, carbon black and …

The move from incineration to pyrolysis is evidential at waste thermal treatment, since the pyrolysis is capable to reduce the accumulated amount of waste from the process as to get valuable products. Besides, pyrolysis technology has generally much less environmental …

Pyrolysis plant disasters
Safety in pyrolysis plants became an essential and increasingly important environmental and health security issue since the numerous people were seriously injured or died due to explosion caused by pyrolysis plant operation. The burning of the hydrocarbon waste such as …