Waste to energy: nothing but the facts.
[…] Engineering solutions of power generation from waste are available today.
Industrial Complex of continuous pyrolysis Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2) coupled with energy generation system is one of such solutions. The Complex passed its pilot testing at the production site of the manufacturing company from St. Petersburg, Russia. This company has been producing environmental protection equipment and facility for two decades already. Two types of generation sets were tested: Capstone microturbine (the USA) and gas engine generator FAS (Fasenergomash Ltd, Russia) […]
[…] The derived pyrolysis gas is fed either to the gas turbine or to the gas-piston drive of the generating set for energy generation.
The article ‘Waste to energy: nothing but the facts’ was published in ‘Solid Municipal Waste’ magazine №12, 2016.
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